Biblical | We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Everything we are and do is based on it.
Kingdom-Oriented (IE. 'catholic' or universal) | We are a part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. We believe the historic councils and creeds, most The Apostle's Creed and The Nicene Creed. At Hope Crozet we often say, "If you say the Apostle's Creed without crossing your fingers, you are our Christian brother or sister."
Protestant | We are a part of the stream of God's church that flowed from the Protestant Reformation. This means that we that we believe that grace saves us and not our performance, religiosity, or works.
Reformed | This means we identify with the portion of the protestant reformation that flowed from Calvin and Geneva. We believe in the comprehensive Lordship of God over all of life: creation, providence, and salvation are all initiated and consummated by the Lord.
Presbyterian | Hope Crozet is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), historically rooted in Scottish and Continental Presbyterian traditions and creeds. To fully understand what we believe, we suggest that you read the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. As Presbyterians, we are led by a plurality of elders ("presbyters") and are connected to other churches across our country and nation.
Historically Evangelical | In the early 1900's a controversy arose in the worldwide church - should the church change and update her doctrines to be more palatable with modern thought or or should the church hold to the historic beliefs? Those who held onto the historic beliefs called themselves "Evangelicals". Hope is evangelical in that sense. (Bebbington’s quadrilateral is another way that churches around the globe describe this idea.)
For Today | While we stand on the historic, timeless faith of the Christian Church, we seek to apply the historic faith and practice to the current day and situation. We seek to share his timeless gospel in our changing times.We will not address our present situation perfectly, but God is on a mission and we long to be a faithful presence - faithful to his word and lovingly present to our neighbors and world.